Reading & Writing

      Students can
·         read a variety of extended factual texts
·         skim texts to identify main ideas
·         scan longer texts to locate specific information and gather information from different parts of a text, or from different texts in order to fulfill a specific task
·         demonstrate an understanding of texts by answering comprehension questions (wh- questions, reference)
·         identify unfamiliar words from the context on topics related to his/her field and interests
·         guess the meaning of occasional unknown words from the context and deduce sentence meaning provided the topic discussed is familiar
·         find and understand relevant information in everyday material, such as letters, brochures, short official documents
·         recognize significant points in straightforward newspaper articles on familiar subjects
·         recognize the line of argument in the treatment of the issue presented
·         identify the main conclusions in clearly signaled argumentative texts  
·         write clear and detailed paragraphs on a variety of subjects related to his/her field of interest, synthesizing and evaluating information from a number of sources
·         write straightforward, detailed descriptions on a range of familiar subjects within his/her field of interest
·         write accounts of experiences, describing feelings and reactions
·         paraphrase short written passages in a simple fashion, using the original text wording and ordering
·         draw paragraph outlines
·         identify parts of a paragraph; and write topic, supporting and concluding sentences
·         write description paragraphs (people, places, pictures, incidents, trips)
·         write narrative paragraphs (past events)
·         write biographies
·         give directions
·         write opinion paragraphs
·         write process paragraphs
·         write classification paragraphs
·         write summary paragraphs
·         use a variety of linkers and conjunctions (time; contrast; cause and effect; addition; exemplification; clarification; similarity; summarizing)
·         develop revising strategies
·         engage in creative writing tasks
Listening & Speaking
Students can
·         listen to extended dialogues and short/long texts to identify the topic and main point
·         understand factual information about common everyday or job related topics, identifying both general messages (main ideas) and specific details (supporting details)
·         understand the information content of the recorded materials on topics of personal interest
·         answer wh- questions and complete sentences to demonstrate an understanding of the texts at knowledge and comprehension level
·         follow in outline straightforward short talks on familiar topics
·         follow detailed directions
·         follow films delivered in clearly in straightforward language  
·         manage simple, routine exchanges (ask and answer questions and exchange ideas and information on familiar topics in predictable everyday situations)
·         express personal opinions and exchange information on topics that are familiar, of personal interest or pertinent to everyday life (e.g. family, hobbies, work,. School, travel and current events)
·         sustain a straightforward description of one of a variety of subjects within his/her field of interest
·         ask and answer questions about habits and routines, pastimes and past activities
·         narrate a story
·         describe real or imagined events
·         describe dreams, hopes and ambitions
·         relate the plot of a book or film and describe his/her reactions
·         give reasons and explanations for opinions, plans and actions
·         give or seek personal views and opinions in discussing topics of interest
·         give a short, rehearsed presentation on a topic pertinent to his/her everyday life
·         give and ask for advice
·         make and respond to suggestions
·         ask for and give directions
·         react and respond to a text / idea / picture, etc.
·         deal with common aspects of everyday living such as travel, lodgings, eating and shopping
·         initiate, maintain and close simple face-to-face conversation on topics that are familiar or of personal interest
·         engage in information and opinion gap activities
Linguistic & Vocabulary Range
·         demonstrate an understanding of verb structures including present simple and continuous, past simple and continuous forms (* recycling)
·         use a variety of modals to express ability, possibility, permission, obligation and advice (* recycling)
·         have enough language to get by, with sufficient vocabulary to express themselves on topics such as family, hobbies and interests, work, travel and current events
·         have sufficient vocabulary to conduct routine, everyday transactions involving familiar situations and topics
·         work on vocabulary development with special emphasis on parts of speech, collocations and phrasal verbs, and word formation, and they increase their active vocabulary to approximately 1500 words
·         can use a monolingual dictionary
·         demonstrate proficiency in the following grammatical areas:
Future simple and continuous
Present perfect (all forms)
Modals (Rev. of present time modals; past ability; past obligation; past habit; able to)
Past perfect
Passives (basic)
Gerunds and Infinitives
Adverbials (time; contrast; cause and effect; addition; exemplification; clarification; similarity; summarizing)
Conditionals (type 0, 1, 2, 3)
Comparative and superlative forms(Adjectives & Adverbs)
Relative Clauses (basic)
Reported Speech (basic)